Friday, June 22, 2012

Who would have thought

 Its often born unaware from a diversity of situations and circumstances we are not always aware of at the time.
 These moments and hours in time are often much needed to develop this attribute that does not come natural to any of us.
I move quickly and drive pretty much the same way. Point A to point B - just get there. Whether it’s a much needed errand run, pick up, or response to a “could you please?” I am there! That’s a good thing right? Not always. Not when you’re impatient with traffic, traffic lights, or people.
I have normally had the luxury of a vehicle to hop in and ‘go man go’. Red lights for instance were just…red lights; speed odometers were there to well… check your speed.
Not since the Geo, there is no speed odometer (working that is), and a red light is now an opportunity for those around me to show their lack of patience as they quickly divert to the next lane glaring at me with a huffy look, and surprised when they don’t find an 80 year old snowbird behind the wheel! I admit this used to really bother me, as I would feel pressured to rev my poor little Geo to over 3500 R.P.M’s. just to make it to 35 M.P.H. a little faster.
“What a bunch of impatient a—h----‘s” I would say out loud to myself. After all I can’t help it that my car can only go so fast!!
But not now. Not anymore. You see I have been taught by that little Geo to slow down, lose some pride and ignore the jerks. Yes it has taken a little while, but that’s okay! I’m getting there. Funny how God works.  I read this saying on the internet, there was no name mentioned.
Patience is waiting.  Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard....and sloooooow- that my friend is patience!"
Who would of thought: a Geo?
What’s your unaware patient builder?


  1. A very nice informational blog.Keep on making such important blog post.Your work is really being appreciated by some one.

    1. Well thankyou very much that is good to know! Ruthy

  2. It is amazing what God brings in your life to build patience.. Things you may have never thought would.. Mine, I would have to say, is my children.. They have taught me great patience.. LOL.. And I always was an impatient person. We all need to slow down a little and enjoy our cruise in the GEO!!! Keep on postin' on!!! ;)

    1. Thanks Tawny! My kids had alot to do with my patience too!!! Go GEO! haha Ruthy!

  3. I used to be an impatient road raged hothead. I had a souped up '69 Mustang that could do zero to sixty in 8 seconds. The snowbirds would frustrate the crap outta me as I would weave in and out of the slower traffic... yelling obscenities and flipping the "bird" as I rushed to my destination.

    Then a day came when I lost everything after filing bankruptcy. A neighbor lady graciously gave me a little motorized scooter that had belonged to her son. It was so humiliating... but I took it as I desperately needed transportation. Each morning I would put on my leathers, motorcycle boots and strap on my Harley Davidson helment. Fearing for my life I zoomed at 20 miles an hour into morning rush hour traffic. Gripping the handle bars with my kness scrunched up to my chin, I wondered if I would make it to my job alive.

    Somehow I wound up in the fast lane and couldn't get back over to the slow lane. A little old lady came up behind me in a smart car and stuck her head out the window yelling at me to speed up or get out of the way. I could see other drivers pointing and laughing at me as I tried to gun my scooter and only reached a top speed of 23 miles an hour. I started crying and some old man in an Escalade looked at me and asked, "Are you crying?" I screamed back, "No!!!" "It's just the wind in my face!!" He howled with laughter and retorted, "At 20 miles an hour?" Then zoomed on ahead of me.

    When I got into town there were children shouting mean things at me as they were doubled up, laughing hysterically at the sight of a grown man riding a scooter. I endured this torture for 3 months until I finally was able to afford a real motorcycle. I think it was a Honda 50, but that doesn't matter. The point of all this was to share how my pride and impatience brought about a great fall. I have learned my lesson and I now quietly endure traffic and sour people. The kind that I used to be but am no more. Thanks for listening!!

    1. "No!!!" "It's just the wind in my face!!" He howled with laughter and retorted, "At 20 miles an hour?" - hilarity.

    2. Dear Anonyomous, Thankyou so much for your input! I could not stop laughing! I shared it with many family members, and apreciate your viewing my blog! Ask Ruthy

    3. You are so welcome Ruthy!! I LOVE your blogs and my experiences in life have been so humbling that it actually brings laughter. For that I am grateful.

    4. Anonymous,
      I completely relate, hope I don't dissapoint! Thanks again! Ruthy

  4. I love everyone's stories! I try to practice patience while driving, although like Ruthie, I am "go man go" get there yesterday, it needed to be done an hour ago.... I will tell you what I have to think and KNOW when this happens, first my true story:
    I had a friend who was in a hurry and was driving quickly...the light was yellow as he was approaching at 50 miles an hour (speed limit was 35)and as he was about 10 yards away, the light turned red. He was in a big hurry, so he gunned it and went through. He T-boned someone making a left hand turn, and regretfully killed the mid- thirties woman driving. This woman had a husband and two small children waiting at home. My friend survived as he was driving a huge truck and it only gave him a few bruises from airbags. He had to live with the fact that he had basically murdered a mother,a wife, a daughter and a sister of someone all because he had failed to leave somewhere in time, so had made himself late.
    So, when I am in a hurry and I get behind a GEO or someone going slower, I alway have to stop and think about Ed (my friend who was in a hurry) and also to think about God's intention for us. Maybe he put this slower car in front of us to slow us down so we would not be in the wrong place at the wrong time (like the mother who was T-boned). I try to remember that. So, keep telling about your stories because I love them and just remember, God is there giving us (what we imagine to be)trials, not to hinder us, but rather to save us!

    1. Isn't that so true, has happened many a time! We all should pay closer attention to those signs he gives us! Thanks for reading and your input! Ruthy

  5. Anonymous, your story just about made me spit out the water I was drinking on account of the laughter that came too hard and too fast.

    Wow, thank you for much for sharing your story.

    1. Thanks Malc!! I was happy to share it...we need more laughter these days.

  6. Anonymous, thanks for your story I still have the vision of all the Harley gear..Love it!!!! And "ask Ruthie"..keep driving your GEO turn up the music, maybe a little Bob Marley, Smile,,,because I am sure you turn more heads than you think and make someone laugh who really needed it! oh by the way..Anonymous---- your writings sound just like my brother---Hmmmmmmmm... thanks for your Blog's Ruthie I love them!

    1. Anyonymous #2,
      Your welcome! I will certainly try! Thanks for reading!
